About Us

Glasgow Caring City’s crystal-clear objective today is as it was when we were founded in 1999:

To strengthen communities by helping people who experience disadvantage in their daily lives.

Whether at home – predominantly in and around Glasgow – or further afield internationally,
Glasgow Caring City believes all people deserve the opportunity to change their lives for the better. With a
strategic focus on kickstarting young people (under 25), their families, friends and communities,
we exist to provide a pathway which enables individuals, no matter the circumstances,
to be empowered to reach their potential and positive destinations.


A number of core values underpin our philosophy and strategy:


We want to strengthen our city and its communities by strengthening its people.


We provide a pathway to opportunities for people regardless of circumstances.


We ensure professional response to challenges in crises at home or abroad.


We provide a safe and flexible space from which we can nurture positive change.


We believe in a world which is a fairer place for people to realise change is possible.


We play an anchoring role with like-minded partners and advocate their work too.


We talk to our communities but much more importantly we listen to them.

Glasgow Caring City has a proven track record over almost 25 years of responding to community needs, following engagement, and providing meaningful and strategic support and change. Our flexibility of space and close community connections ensure we can deliver with sensitivity but also with a clear direction, with every decision we make steered towards helping young people reach positive destinations.

People who experience disadvantage on a daily basis – whether due to disability, inequality, accessibility issues or education – deserve the opportunity to change their lives for the better. We are there for those very people, 365 days a year. We choose to help those people not for publicity or recognition or any other form of gain, we simply undertake our work with quiet determination, steely focus and unrelenting commitment.   The work we have undertaken since 1999 has positively impacted on the reputation of Glasgow, domestically and internationally, which is a source of pride for all connected to the charity.

Glasgow Caring City exists quite simply because... we care deeply about the city of Glasgow, its communities and its people. Together we can make the world a better place, one human being at a time.